Treating allergic rhinitis as soon as possible

Many people complain of suffering from allergic rhinitis, which causes them a lot of stress because of its persistent symptoms throughout the year, so we were keen to present to you in this article ways to treat allergic rhinitis, whether using nasal sprays or natural methods.
All effective allergic rhinitis medicines are available in Adam's pharmacy.
Symptoms of allergic rhinitis
Before I begin to list the ways to treat allergic rhinitis, I must explain to you the possible symptoms of rhinitis, which are largely represented in the following symptoms:
- severe sneezing,
- blockage, runny or itchy nose
- , red and watery eyes with severe itching in the eyes,
- cough caused by accumulation Mucus in the back of the throat
- Swelling around the eyes
- Sore throat
- A headache that lasts for a long time and is in the frontal area of the head where the sinuses are.
- Feeling of tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing at times, especially during sleep.
Medications to treat allergic rhinitis
You should know that allergic rhinitis can not be cured completely, but I will provide you with some medicines that help reduce and reduce its effects:
- Antihistamines: Histamine is one of the substances Chemical released by the body after an allergic reaction, resulting in unpleasant symptoms for the affected person, antihistamines reduce the secretion of histamine or reduce its effects once it is released in the body, sedatives may cause fatigue for the patient, while non-sedating or second-generation antihistamines are less likely to cause Fatigue: Sedative antihistamines are recommended if the condition is causing sleep problems.
- : Decongestant nasal sprays and nasal drops make it easier to breathe by narrowing the blood vessels in the nose and reducing inflammation, however they can only be used short-term to permanently treat allergic rhinitis. After excessive use, increasingly large doses will be needed to achieve The intended effect, at this point the blood vessels begin to swell again after the drug wears off causing what is known as rebound congestion.
- Nasal corticosteroids: They are sprays that reduce swelling in the mucous membranes of the nose. They are also known as steroid nasal sprays and contribute effectively to permanent treatment, especially when suffering from seasonal rhinitis. If nasal corticosteroids are used, the doctor often recommends starting to use the spray before symptoms appear. Nasal congestion, sneezing, and other symptoms of allergic rhinitis are often significantly reduced.
Treating Allergic Rhinitis with Home Methods
Although rhinitis cannot be completely cured, home remedies have a major role in alleviating its symptoms and helping to control it.
Among the most prominent of these methods are the following:
- Avoid exposure to allergens in the nose. The substances that should be avoided as much as possible include:
- Smoke, whatever its source.
- Polluted Air.
- Perfumes and pungent smells.
- Cool air or windy humid
- .
- cigarette smoke.
A few things also need to be done to make this happen:
- Close windows: especially during the fall, spring and pollen seasons.
- Wash your hands frequently: especially after handling animals.
- Use special covers: It is recommended to use bed covers and pillows that do not catch dust and mites.
- Wearing glasses: to protect the eyes when going out.
- Shower before bed: to remove allergens stuck to the hair and skin.
A diet rich in the following foods may help treat and relieve symptoms in the long term:
- Natural sources of Omega 3, such as:
- nuts.
- Flaxseeds.
- Fish and seafood.
- Food sources that contain probiotics, such as: yogurt.
- Natural sources of vitamin C such as:
- oranges.
- Lemon.
- grapefruit.
- Tomatoes.
- paprika.
- Broccoli
- natural honey.
Natural ways to treat allergic rhinitis
One of the ways to treat allergic rhinitis with herbs is to use mint or the oil extracted from it, because of its many therapeutic properties that are useful in reducing allergies and their symptoms.
Including anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to decongest. Also, peppermint and its oil can help reduce coughing by promoting muscle relaxation.
Peppermint and the oil extracted from it can reduce other symptoms of allergic rhinitis, including sneezing, wheezing, and a runny nose.
Here, I will show you the following method for treating allergic rhinitis with mint:
- Add a teaspoon of dried mint leaves to a cup of hot water.
- Leave the mixture to soak for 10 minutes.
- Filter mint tea.
- Add a little honey.
- Drink the tea twice daily.
Another way is to use peppermint oil and put it in hot water and inhale the steam, as it soothes the sinuses and rid them of secretions that cause a stuffy nose, which helps treat allergic rhinitis.
Herbs for Allergic Rhinitis
- Ginger is a powerful herb that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that make it the best choice when looking for herbs to help treat allergic rhinitis.
- Supporting the health of allergic rhinitis treatment with ginger is the discovery that it helps modulate the immune response associated with asthma and other allergic conditions.
- also be considered an effective way to treat allergic rhinitis with herbs, as what distinguishes garlic is that it contains quercetin, which is likely to have an antihistamine effect, and it also helps reduce inflammation.
- Onions are high in quercetin which is known for its antihistamine and anti-allergic properties, so it is always recommended to eat it when you want to treat allergic rhinitis with herbs.
- The use of onions to treat allergic rhinitis is not only due to quercetin, as it contains other active compounds that have the ability to reduce inflammation and act as an antioxidant. Onions are also rich in probiotic compounds that support the health and immunity of the body.
- It is usually recommended to choose red onions when you want to treat allergic rhinitis with herbs, as it contains higher concentrations of quercetin than white onions and green onions. It is also recommended to eat it raw, since cooking reduces the quercetin content in onions.
In the end, we have provided you with some medicines that help treat allergic rhinitis that do not need prescriptions and you can easily order them from Adam's Pharmacy, and we have also provided you with some effective natural methods that reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and make the person feel comfortable